Our Latest Productions

Take a photo of your sky at any point in the day
Tag your location, add an optional personalized, peaceful greeting.
Tag #SameSkyProject
2. On your selected paint chip, Write down your name + where you are from + an optional peaceful greeting on your chip
3. Add your chip to our immersive installation, alongside the sky chips of your fellow festival goers. We’ll be streaming photos of fellow American’s skies from around the world, too!
4. Say hi!

Dazzling projections
Clean tech activations
21+ bar • Food trucks
Artisan vendors
Free parking • Bike valet

About Wonder Women Tech
Wonder Women Tech (WWT) is an organization that produces year-round programming and national and international conferences that highlight, educate, and celebrate women and diversity in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math), innovation and entrepreneurialism. Our conferences and programming offer a variety of speakers, panel discussions, coding classes, workshops, hackathons, community inclusion activities, thought leadership, and other dynamic programming geared towards empowering women, girls, people of color, the underrepresented, and diverse communities. We seek to create a shift in diversity and inclusion within STEAM industries by offering revolutionary content and impactful discussions.
We Disrupt The STEAM Industry For Women & Diversity
Our mission is to disrupt the conference model, creating a shift in diversity and inclusion within STEAM industries by offering the latest game-changing trends and revolutionary content. We provide impactful, solutions oriented discussions. We produce international events that will further the development of females and diverse global communities while creating new markets and industries.
We Cultivate Inclusivity & Collaboration To Transform Communities
Our WWT Immersion program pairs our Sponsors and Partners with our attendees and online community network with mentorship, internship and ‘Job Shadow’ opportunities. The Wonder Women Tech Ambassador program creates a cross promotional partnership and engagement platform between our strategic partners and the WWT global community.
We Spark The Potential For Greatness Within Future Innovators
Our Junior Innovation Camp is provided at no cost to participants and engages students ages 8 to 17 years with courses that teach coding, filmmaking, game development, DIY projects and entrepreneurship. The WWT Learning Center teaches adults how to code and/or build games. Our WWT Career Fair allows registered guests to attend a career fair which will feature booths from our sponsors/partners who are actively looking for talent in STEAM, and provides an opportunity for attendees to secure job placement and internships.

No Budget Film Festival

From dinosaurs, to faraway galaxies, to reimagining of childhood forts, Art | Party | Playground challenges you to let your imagination run wild and touch, feel, explore for one evening as artists create breathtaking interactive installations.
The continually evolving A|P|P series has attracted participation and reporting from the likes of Bill Nye,Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman, ThinkGeek, LA Weekly, Angel City Brewery, NBC, and Mental Floss.